Was That a Queef or a Fart?

During intimate times there can be gas passed out of your body, whether it’s from your anus (that’s a fart) or your vagina, if you have one (queef). Just because you are enjoying intimate moments, it doesn’t mean that your other body parts have stopped working.

For people with vaginas, farting during sex usually happens because the object that is sliding into the vagina places pressure on the anal canal. This movement causes the air to push out, especially when muscles contract and then relax. If you are a birthing person, then you’re more likely to fart during vaginal penetration. Why? Because there’s an increase in the hormone progesterone which slows down digestion which in turn leads to more gas. 

More gas = more likely to fart.

Some simple solutions to avoid built up gas during penetration include:

  1. Taking a walk to move the colon a bit prior to intimate moments, 

  2. Defecating prior to sexual penetration

  3. Avoid gas-triggering foods like broccoli

If you are experiencing significant gas during penetration (I mean, every time you experience penetration), you may want to consult a healthcare professional. It’s never harmful to ask.

Queefing is gas coming out of your vagina, which is totally normal. The vaginal canal is made up of muscles that have a bumpy surface, not a smooth one. Gas can get into the bumps and folds. When the muscles contract, they can trap the gas and then release it as a queef when the muscles relax (aka when a physical orgasm is experienced). 

There is no shame in queefing or farting during self-pleasure or intimacy with someone else! It’s totally OK. If you feel embarrassed, remember to keep the communication lines open and express your feelings!

Michiko Caringal